The DeenPath Model School which as its motto as "Knowledge and Piety" is a private school approved by the Kwara State Ministry of education. It was established in December 31st 2015. The word "Deenpath" is a fusion of both Arabic and English words.Contextually,it means "the religious and western oriented school".We are one of the citadel of learnings committed greatly to building the foundation upon which all other educational levels rest upon with special dedication paid towards producing self-reliant and devout children who will contribute their quota towards the development of the society in its entirety.At first,the idea of establishing this great citadel of learning was an idea that was conceived by one head and started growing bigger and bigger from other heads. the school at inception, started with a few number of pupils but the numbers have since increased greatly up till this moment. Alhamdulillahi for His guidance towards birthing this Citadel of learning and role in nurturing its development.To sum it up, this Citadel of learning was established to serve God through humanity by providing high-quality, balanced Islamic and Western education for our teeming children who will be leaders and ambassadors to the school, their parents and the society at large. Our programmes include the followings:1-A well grounded Arabic/Islamic educationثاني التمهدي. . الحضانة الأولي. الحضانة الثانيةArabic - KG (1)التمهيدي أول التمهيد يArabic - Grade 1 (2) الأول الإبتدائيArabic - Grade 2 الثاني الإبتدائيArabic - Grade 3 الثالث الإبتدائيArabic - Grade 4 الرابع الإبتدائيArabic - Grade 5 الخامس الإبتدائي2-A better by far western education Nursery Education Kindergarten IKindergarten IIBasic EducationBasic I Basic II Basic III Basic IV Basic VOur Achievements 1-The school has been able to graduate five (5) sets of student between 2018 till present year.2- A significant number students have been able to commit a significant portion of the Holy Qur'an to memory through our Qur'an memorization programme within a short period of time. 3. Remediation programme on phonics was also staged for pupils to enhance their proficiency in phonics skills, fuency and proficiency in English language.3- Efforts is being made to ensure that the students of the Deenpath are trained to attain high level of fluency in both Arabic and English languages regardless of their classes if not the peak.4-We have produced and are still producing competent and morally upright students who are doing wonders outside the world. 5- Recruitment of competent and qualified staffs both academic and non-academic is also our utmost priority.
Our Mission
Is to serve Allah through the education of our children.
Our Vision
Is to give our pupils a sound education which consist of Islamic and western education with moral standard.